MA Publishing at the University of the Arts London

Monday, 16 November 2009

Specialist vs Expert, a 21st century perspective

In publishing it is important to understand at least the fundamentals of the various disciplines of those around you. You don't have to be a 'jack of all trades', and this isn't about pretending to be something you're not. This is all about being more effective and more flexible, having the ability to appreciate issues and possibilities outside your core area of expertise.
This doesn't mean the end of the specialist - although that's arguably not the ideal title. 'Expert' has less of an exclusive, blinkered implication: specialists do one thing well, end of story. Experts do (at least) one thing well but not exclusively.
Become experts, not specialists, in an area of publishing. One is 20th century (even 19th C) thinking, the other is resolutely 21st century.

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